
Posts Tagged ‘video’

Two of our intrepid WiG 2008 hosts were recently featured in an iCast at the University of Warwick, discussing this very question. Three cheers for Nicola and Sara!
Sez Nicola:

I just wanted to let you know that Sara and I took part in a ‘ Warwick iCast’, a video which is part of “a project to develop an internet video service for the University of Warwick focussed on the promotion of research, science and business activity”. The iCast was about women in the gaming industry and was filmed at Rare at the end of November, and featured myself, Sara, George Kelion (PR guy at Rare), Nathan (a CS lecturer at Warwick ) and Becca (a CS student at Warwick ). We were basically discussing various issues / experiences.

Well it’s gone live! Check it out and tell us what you think.

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